Monday, September 14, 2015

Tick tock, tick tock

The clock will always tick because time is immortal; at least that's how we treat it. We let time get in the way. We find no way to conquer it. Our lives are built around it. We take no time to enjoy the small things like noticing the beauty in a curvy road that parallels our life; full of twists and turns. A lot of the time we miss these twists; some of which that could lead to something amazing. Life is short and we should never put ourselves on the limits we are guilty of putting ourself in. Enjoy life and take risks! Not stupid ones ones, but enjoyable ones that make you smile and think what in the world have I gotten myself into. Never skip to the next song to see if you're missing a better one. Enjoy the song you are listening to now and live a life worth writing a book on.

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